
我用 a commit on 2010-05-12 发布了第一个版本的 my Rewrite analyzer plugin 。然而,WordPress.org 插件目录 still displays 2010-11-27 as the “Last Updated” date – 这是在存储库中创建插件目录的日期。

The Developer FAQ 状态:

Last updated time
Time of last check in to the appropriate directory (trunk/ or the stable tag directory) after a version number change.

大多数开发人员在他们的插件目录被创建之后提交他们的第一个版本,所以你不会注意到这个区别。但我的 seen the same discrepancy 在其他插件 that were committed more than one day after the directory was created

我一次性提交了 trunk/tags/1.0/目录 (具有本地副本,然后提交),但是与其他插件一样,大多数人都这么做:提交 trunk/,然后远程复制到 tags/1.0/

Otto recently said

The only time the readme gets parsed and the entry gets rebuilt is when the version of the plugin changes. However, for people using tags, this generally happens after they make the new tag and update the Stable Tag.





当前的解决方法:任何类型的任何提交都应该触发它进行更新。所以只需在 readme.txt 中添加一个空格,等待 30 分钟即可。如果没有,请联系我:otto@wordpress.org


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