

我开始查看数据库。我发现这是’sidebars_widgets’ 选项,它将小工具放在边栏上。当查看选项时,窗口小工具名称的末尾添加如下:widget_name-6 。那个号码来自哪里?



当我开始这个答案时,应该只是一个小笔记。那么我失败了抱歉! 留在我身边,有一个隐藏在深处的好东西…

如何存储 WordPress 小工具

窗口小工具列表存储在名为'sidebars_widgets'的选项中。 var_export()可能会给出以下内容:

array (
  'wp_inactive_widgets' =>
  array (
  'top-widget' =>
  array (
  'bottom-widget' =>
  array (
  'array_version' => 3,


// Register two sidebars.
$sidebars = array ( 'a' => 'top-widget', 'b' => 'bottom-widget' );
foreach ( $sidebars as $sidebar )
        array (
            'name'          => $sidebar,
            'id'            => $sidebar,
            'before_widget' => '',
            'after_widget'  => ''


对于每个注册的窗口小工具类,都会创建一个单独的选项,其中包含所有必该选项以字符串 widget_为前缀。要获取所有活动的 RSS 小工具的选项,我们必须研究…

get_option( 'widget_rss' );


array (
  2 =>
  array (
    'title' => 'WordPress Stack Exchange',
    'url' => 'http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/feeds',
    'link' => 'http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions',
    'items' => 5,
    'show_summary' => 1,
    'show_author' => 0,
    'show_date' => 0,

注意数字 2. 多个实例的参数都存储在按数字排序的这一个选项中。

要查看哪些小工具类已经被 WordPress 知道,请转到 wp-admin/options.php 并向下滚动,直到看到如下所示:




 * Super simple widget.
class T5_Demo_Widget extends WP_Widget
    public function __construct()
    {                      // id_base        ,  visible name
        parent::__construct( 't5_demo_widget', 'T5 Demo Widget' );

    public function widget( $args, $instance )
        echo $args['before_widget'], wpautop( $instance['text'] ), $args['after_widget'];

    public function form( $instance )
        $text = isset ( $instance['text'] )
            ? esc_textarea( $instance['text'] ) : '';
            '<textarea class="widefat" rows="7" cols="20" id="%1$s" name="%2$s">%3$s</textarea>',
            $this->get_field_id( 'text' ),
            $this->get_field_name( 'text' ),

注意构造函数:'t5_demo_widget'$id_base,这个小工具的标识符。如您在屏幕截图中所看到的,其参数存储在选项 widget_t5_demo_widget 中。所有您的自定义小工具将被视为这样。你不必猜名字。而且,由于您已经编写了您的小工具 (可能),您可以知道类 $instance 参数中的所有参数。


首先你必须注册一些侧边栏和自定义小工具。对此的正确操作很容易记住:'widgets_init'。将所有内容放入容器 – 类或功能。为了简单起见,我将使用一个名为 t5_default_widget_demo()的函数。

所有以下代码都进入 functions.phpT5_Demo_Widget 类应该已经加载了。我只是把它放入同一个文件…

add_action( 'widgets_init', 't5_default_widget_demo' );

function t5_default_widget_demo()
    // Register our own widget.
    register_widget( 'T5_Demo_Widget' );

    // Register two sidebars.
    $sidebars = array ( 'a' => 'top-widget', 'b' => 'bottom-widget' );
    foreach ( $sidebars as $sidebar )
            array (
                'name'          => $sidebar,
                'id'            => $sidebar,
                'before_widget' => '',
                'after_widget'  => ''


$active_widgets = get_option( 'sidebars_widgets' );

if ( ! empty ( $active_widgets[ $sidebars['a'] ] )
    or ! empty ( $active_widgets[ $sidebars['b'] ] )
{   // Okay, no fun anymore. There is already some content.


好吧,假设边栏是空的… 我们需要一个柜台:

$counter = 1;

小工具编号。这些数字是 WordPress 的第二个标识符。


$active_widgets = get_option( 'sidebars_widgets' );

我们还需要一个柜台 (稍后再说):

$counter = 1;

这里是我们如何使用计数器,侧边栏名称和小工具参数 (我们只有一个参数:text) 。

// Add a 'demo' widget to the top sidebar …
$active_widgets[ $sidebars['a'] ][0] = 't5_demo_widget-' . $counter;
// … and write some text into it:
$demo_widget_content[ $counter ] = array ( 'text' => "This works!nnAmazing!" );


请注意如何创建窗口小工具标识符:id_base,减号-和计数器。小工具的内容存储在另一个变量 $demo_widget_content 中。这是计数器,键和数组参数存储在数组中。


那很简单。现在是一个 RSS 小工具。更多的领域,更有趣!

$active_widgets[ $sidebars['a'] ][] = 'rss-' . $counter;
// The latest 15 questions from WordPress Stack Exchange.
$rss_content[ $counter ] = array (
    'title'        => 'WordPress Stack Exchange',
    'url'          => 'http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/feeds',
    'link'         => 'http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions',
    'items'        => 15,
    'show_summary' => 0,
    'show_author'  => 1,
    'show_date'    => 1,
update_option( 'widget_rss', $rss_content );


这里有一些新的东西:update_option()这将存储 RSS 窗口参数在一个单独的选项。 WordPress 会在以后自动找到。我们没有保存演示小工具参数,因为现在我们将第二个实例添加到第二个侧边栏…

// Okay, now to our second sidebar. We make it short.
$active_widgets[ $sidebars['b'] ][] = 't5_demo_widget-' . $counter;
#$demo_widget_content = get_option( 'widget_t5_demo_widget', array() );
$demo_widget_content[ $counter ] = array ( 'text' => 'The second instance of our amazing demo widget.' );
update_option( 'widget_t5_demo_widget', $demo_widget_content );

… 并立即保存 t5_demo_widget 的所有参数。不需要更新相同的选项两次。

那么现在有足够的小工具呢,我们也来保存 sidebars_widgets

update_option( 'sidebars_widgets', $active_widgets );

现在 WordPress 将知道有一些注册的小工具,每个小工具的参数都存储在哪里。 sidebar_widgets 上的 var_export()将如下所示:

array (
  'wp_inactive_widgets' =>
  array (
  'top-widget' =>
  array (
    0 => 't5_demo_widget-1',
    1 => 'rss-2',
  'bottom-widget' =>
  array (
    0 => 't5_demo_widget-3',
  'array_version' => 3,

complete code 再次:

add_action( 'widgets_init', 't5_default_widget_demo' );

function t5_default_widget_demo()
    // Register our own widget.
    register_widget( 'T5_Demo_Widget' );

    // Register two sidebars.
    $sidebars = array ( 'a' => 'top-widget', 'b' => 'bottom-widget' );
    foreach ( $sidebars as $sidebar )
            array (
                'name'          => $sidebar,
                'id'            => $sidebar,
                'before_widget' => '',
                'after_widget'  => ''

    // Okay, now the funny part.

    // We don't want to undo user changes, so we look for changes first.
    $active_widgets = get_option( 'sidebars_widgets' );

    if ( ! empty ( $active_widgets[ $sidebars['a'] ] )
        or ! empty ( $active_widgets[ $sidebars['b'] ] )
    {   // Okay, no fun anymore. There is already some content.

    // The sidebars are empty, let's put something into them.
    // How about a RSS widget and two instances of our demo widget?

    // Note that widgets are numbered. We need a counter:
    $counter = 1;

    // Add a 'demo' widget to the top sidebar …
    $active_widgets[ $sidebars['a'] ][0] = 't5_demo_widget-' . $counter;
    // … and write some text into it:
    $demo_widget_content[ $counter ] = array ( 'text' => "This works!nnAmazing!" );
    #update_option( 'widget_t5_demo_widget', $demo_widget_content );


    // That was easy. Now a RSS widget. More fields, more fun!
    $active_widgets[ $sidebars['a'] ][] = 'rss-' . $counter;
    // The latest 15 questions from WordPress Stack Exchange.
    $rss_content[ $counter ] = array (
        'title'        => 'WordPress Stack Exchange',
        'url'          => 'http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/feeds',
        'link'         => 'http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions',
        'items'        => 15,
        'show_summary' => 0,
        'show_author'  => 1,
        'show_date'    => 1,
    update_option( 'widget_rss', $rss_content );


    // Okay, now to our second sidebar. We make it short.
    $active_widgets[ $sidebars['b'] ][] = 't5_demo_widget-' . $counter;
    #$demo_widget_content = get_option( 'widget_t5_demo_widget', array() );
    $demo_widget_content[ $counter ] = array ( 'text' => 'The second instance of our amazing demo widget.' );
    update_option( 'widget_t5_demo_widget', $demo_widget_content );

    // Now save the $active_widgets array.
    update_option( 'sidebars_widgets', $active_widgets );

如果你现在去 wp-admin/widgets.php,你会看到三个 pre-set 小工具:

就是这样使用 …

dynamic_sidebar( 'top-widget' );
dynamic_sidebar( 'bottom-widget' );

… 打印小工具。

有一个小故障:您必须先加载 front-end 两次才能进行初始注册。如果有人能在这里帮忙,我将非常感激。



function initialize_sidebars(){

  $sidebars = array();
  // Supply the sidebars you want to initialize in a filter
  $sidebars = apply_filters( 'alter_initialization_sidebars', $sidebars );

  $active_widgets = get_option('sidebars_widgets');

  $args = array(
    'sidebars' => $sidebars,
    'active_widgets' => $active_widgets,
    'update_widget_content' => array(),

  foreach ( $sidebars as $current_sidebar_short_name => $current_sidebar_id ) {

    $args['current_sidebar_short_name'] = $current_sidebar_short_name;
    // we are passing our arguments as a reference, so we can modify their contents
    do_action( 'your_plugin_sidebar_init', array( &$args ) );

  // we only need to update sidebars, if the sidebars are not initialized yet
  // and we also have data to initialize the sidebars with
  if ( ! empty( $args['update_widget_content'] ) ) {

    foreach ( $args['update_widget_content'] as $widget => $widget_occurence ) {

      // the update_widget_content array stores all widget instances of each widget
      update_option( 'widget_' . $widget, $args['update_widget_content'][ $widget ] );

    // after we have updated all the widgets, we update the active_widgets array
    update_option( 'sidebars_widgets', $args['active_widgets'] );




function check_sidebar_content( $active_widgets, $sidebars, $sidebar_name ) {

  $sidebar_contents = $active_widgets[ $sidebars[ $sidebar_name ] ];

  if ( ! empty( $sidebar_contents ) ) {

    return $sidebar_contents;


  return false;


现在我们需要创建一个挂钩到’sidebar_init’ 操作的函数。

add_action( 'your_plugin_sidebar_init', 'add_widgets_to_sidebar' );

function add_widgets_to_sidebar( $args ) {

  extract( $args[0] );

  // We check if the current sidebar already has content and if it does we exit
  $sidebar_element = check_sidebar_content( $active_widgets, $sidebars, $current_sidebar_short_name );

  if ( $sidebar_element !== false  ) {



  do_action( 'your_plugin_widget_init', array( &$args ) );


而现在的 widget 初始化:

add_action( 'your_plugin_widget_init', 'your_plugin_initialize_widgets' );

function your_plugin_initialize_widgets( $args ) {

  extract( $args[0][0] );

  $widgets = array();

  // Here the widgets previously defined in filter functions are initialized,
  // but only those corresponding to the current sidebar
  $widgets = apply_filters( 'alter_initialization_widgets_' . $current_sidebar_short_name, $widgets );

  if ( ! empty( $widgets ) ) {

    do_action( 'create_widgets_for_sidebar', array( &$args ), $widgets );




add_action( 'create_widgets_for_sidebar', 'your_plugin_create_widgets', 10, 2 );

function your_plugin_create_widgets( $args, $widgets ) {

  extract( $args[0][0][0] );

  foreach ( $widgets as $widget => $widget_content ) {

    // The counter is increased on a widget basis. For instance, if you had three widgets,
    // two of them being the archives widget and one of the being a custom widget, then the
    // correct counter appended to each one of them would be archive-1, archive-2 and custom-1.
    // So the widget counter is not a global counter but one which counts the instances (the
    // widget_occurrence as I have called it) of each widget.
    $counter = count_widget_occurence( $widget, $args[0][0][0]['update_widget_content'] );

    // We add each instance to the active widgets...
    $args[0][0][0]['active_widgets'][ $sidebars[ $current_sidebar_short_name ] ][] = $widget . '-' . $counter;

    // ...and also save the content in another associative array.
    $args[0][0][0]['update_widget_content'][ $widget ][ $counter ] = $widget_content;




function count_widget_occurence( $widget, $update_widget_content ) {

  $widget_occurrence = 0;

  // We look at the update_widget_content array which stores each
  // instance of the current widget with the current counter in an
  // associative array. The key of this array is the name of the
  // current widget.
      // Having three archives widgets for instance would look like this:
      // 'update_widget_content'['archives'] => [1][2][3]
  if ( array_key_exists( $widget, $update_widget_content ) ) {

    $widget_counters = array_keys( $update_widget_content[ $widget ] );

    $widget_occurrence = end( $widget_counters );



  return $widget_occurrence;



add_filter( 'alter_initialization_sidebars', 'current_initialization_sidebars' ) ;
// Use this filter hook to specify which sidebars you want to initialize
function current_initialization_sidebars( $sidebars ) {

  // The sidebars are assigned in this manner.
  // The array key is very important because it is used as a suffix in the initialization function
  // for each sidebar. The value is what is used in the html attributes.
  $sidebars['info'] = 'info-sidebar';

  return $sidebars;



add_filter( 'alter_initialization_widgets_info', 'current_info_widgets' );
// Add a filter hook for each sidebar you have. The hook name is derived from
// the array keys passed in the alter_initialization_sidebars filter.
// Each filter has a name of 'alter_initialization_widgets_' and the array
// key appended to it.

function current_info_widgets( $widgets ) {
  // This filter function is used to add widgets to the info sidebar. Add each widget
  // you want to assign to this sidebar to an array.

  return $widgets = array(
    // Use the name of the widget as specified in the call to the WP_Widget constructor
    // as the array key.

    // The archives widget is a widget which is shipped with wordpress by default.
    // The arguments used by this widget, as all other default widgets, can be found
    // in wp-includes/default-widgets.php.

    'archives' => array(
      // Pass in the array options as an array
      'title' => 'Old Content',
      'dropdown' => 'on',
      // The 'on' value is arbitrarily chosen, the widget actually only checks for
      // a non-empty value on both of these options
      'count' => 'on',


理想情况下,您可以在一个安装程序中调用 initialize_sidebars,该函数调用插件或主题激活,如下所示:主题激活:

add_action( 'after_switch_theme', 'my_activation_function' );
function my_activation_function() {


register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'my_activation_function' );
function my_activation_function() {


  1. 创建一个初始化挂钩到’alter_initialization_sidebars’ 过滤器的侧边栏的功能。
  2. 为刚刚添加的每个侧边栏创建一个附加到 「alter_initialization_widgets_ $ sidebarname」 过滤器的函数。将 $ sidebarname 替换为您在步骤 1 中创建的每个侧边栏的名称。

您也可以将此未注释的代码简单地复制到函数文件中,并立即开始创建过滤器函数:Code on pastie (without initialization filter functions)


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