
我正在开发一个主题,我想在内置的背景选项页面中添加一些额外的内容。我知道如何使用设置 API 来创建新的主题选项和设置,但我似乎无法弄清楚它实际调用到背景页面的位置。我已经通过 wp-includes/theme.php 进行了搜索,但是除了调用后台函数和没有实际呈现该页面的内容之外,还没有太多的内容。



自定义背景的页面内容在 wp-admin/custom-background.php 中创建。打印字段时没有可用的操作。

要添加新字段,我们必须在页脚中打印 JavaScript 。动作是'admin_footer-appearance_page_custom-background'


以下示例为 background-origin 添加了一个新选项 – 如果您在样式表中设置了 body 周围的边框,则此功能非常有用。

    array ( 'T5_Background_Origin', 'get_instance' )

 * Add a new row to the background options table for 'background-origin'.
 * @author  Thomas Scholz http://toscho.de
 * @version 2012.09.10
class T5_Background_Origin
     * Main instance.
     * @type object|NULL
    protected static $instance = NULL;

     * The name for the option. Will be saved as theme option.
     * @link http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#the-background-origin
     * @type string
    protected $option = 'background_origin';

     * Label on the left side of our new option.
     * @type string
    protected $table_header = 'Background Origin';

     * Return an instance.
     * @wp-hook load-appearance_page_custom-background
     * @return object
    public static function get_instance()
        NULL === self::$instance and self::$instance = new self;
        return self::$instance;

     * Save our option and register the form.
     * @wp-hook load-appearance_page_custom-background
    public function __construct()
            array ( $this, 'form' )

        if ( empty ( $_POST[ $this->option ] ) )

        check_admin_referer( $this->option, "_t5nonce-$this->option" );
        set_theme_mod( $this->option, $_POST[ $this->option ] );

     * Create the form elements.
     * @wp-hook admin_footer-appearance_page_custom-background
     * @return void
    public function form()
        $nonce = wp_nonce_field(
            TRUE, // check referer
            FALSE // do not echo
        $html = $nonce . $this->get_radio_fields();
        $this->print_script( $html );

     * Create the jQuery function that inserts our form fields.
     * @param  string $html Radio buttons
     * @return void
    protected function print_script( $html )
        $row = "'<tr><th>$this->table_header</th><td>$html</td></tr>'";
<script>jQuery( function <?php echo $this->option; ?>($) {
    $('.form-table:last').append(<?php echo $row; ?>);

     * Helper for form(). Create radio input fields
     * @return string
    protected function get_radio_fields()
        $value  = get_theme_mod( $this->option, 'padding-box' );
        $radios = array ( 'padding-box', 'border-box', 'content-box' );
        $html   = "<p>";

        foreach ( $radios as $radio )
            $html .= sprintf(
                ' <input type="radio" name="%1$s" value="%2$s" id="%3$s"%4$s>'
                . ' <label for="%3$s">%2$s</label> ',
                // returns ' as value delimiters and has to be escaped
                addslashes( checked( $value, $radio, FALSE ) )

        return "$html</p>";


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