
我知道我可以让我的翻译成 JavaScript:

    $MyTranslations = array(
        'translation1' => __("Some String 1", "MyTranslations"),
        'translation2' => __("Some String 2", "MyTranslations")
    wp_localize_script( 'jquery', 'my_translations', $MyTranslations );

但是看一些 WordPress TinyMCE 插件,他们使用这样的电话:

title : ed.getLang('advlink.link_desc'),

WordPress 如何将其翻译成 getLang()?我应该这样做,或者我只是使用我的第一个代码,并直接访问变量:

title : my_translations.translation1,


使用过滤器'mce_external_languages'。来自 wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php

The following filter loads external language files for TinyMCE plugins. It takes an associative array ‘plugin_name’ => ‘path’, where path is the include path to the file. The language file should follow the same format as /tinymce/langs/wp-langs.php and should define a variable $strings that holds all translated strings. When this filter is not used, the function will try to load {mce_locale}.js. If that is not found, en.js will be tried next.

$mce_external_languages = apply_filters('mce_external_languages', array());

我只是使用 wp-includes/js/tinymce/langs/wp-langs.php … 的副本,并放弃多余的 mce_escape()赞成原来的 esc_js()


<?php # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

$strings = 'tinyMCE.addI18n(
    {' . _WP_Editors::$mce_locale . '.extrastrings:
            helloworld: "' . esc_js( __( 'Hello World', 'my_plugin_text_domain' ) ) . '",
            foobar: "' . esc_js( __( 'Foo Bar', 'my_plugin_text_domain' ) ) . '"


add_filter( 'mce_external_languages', 'wpse_44785_add_tinymce_lang', 10, 1 );

function wpse_44785_add_tinymce_lang( $arr )
    $arr[] = 'full_path_to_lang_file.php';
    return $arr;

要使用 JavaScript 来访问新的字符串,例如:

title : ed.getLang('extrastrings.helloworld')


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